The Spot Between the Fish and the Vegetables
Terps Helping Turtles is a go! The team got on the road around 8:30am yesterday and began our journey stocked to the teeth with snacks. Nelson and Sabrina took the wheel(s) for the first leg of the trip, and the cars jammed out to everything from K-pop to classical. Conversation topics ranged from arguments over the moral existence of altruism to a debate over whether 2000s music would be classified in the "oldies" genre.
Since our normal visitor center lunch stop was closed, we took a short detour to lake near Gaston, North Carolina. The nearby paper mill produced odors of the most unique quality- so distinct, in fact, that two participants in two separate vehicles narrowed down the smell to one location: the spot at the Great Wall supermarket in between the fish aisle and the vegetables. Lunch on the lake was beautiful, but our enjoyment was cut short by a height chart on a nearby children's playground. According to the sign, Hannah was 5.5ft. She's actually 6'3''. It was a travesty. Anyway, after lunch we embarked once again on a journey through the bowels of North Carolina, and a few sketchy turns and Confederate flags later, we were seeing signs for Topsail, North Carolina!
We got to the house and immediately realized that we had stumbled upon a Pinterest fanatics dream home. Teal, beached themed decor covered the walls, and coastal-themed sculptures sat perfectly arranged on the furniture. Some participants took a short trip to the beach (which is one row of houses away) to enjoy the gorgeous weather, and then enjoyed some hearty spaghetti and "espicy meatballs" (Xie 2018).
The extended post dinner reflection was humbling and brought the group closer together, and we turned in for the night excited for our first day of volunteering! We're excited to keep you all posted on our adventures for the rest of the week.
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